What heart valve disease treatments are available?

If you’ve just found out you need a replacement heart valve, you’ve probably got a hundred questions running around your head. Even if your cardiologist has already explained the options, it may have been difficult to take in what you’ve been told during your appointment.

Watch Michele’s story

Michele, a staff nurse in Anesthetic and Recovery, talks about how she took an active role in her heart valve replacement. And her surgeon, Karen Booth, tells us what it was like to operate on a colleague...

Michele’s Story

A staff nurse in Anaesthetic and Recovery, Michele has an active, demanding job. So, when she began to experience initial symptoms of breathlessness and feeling faint, Michele assumed it was stress related. But, a year later, she was diagnosed with aortic stenosis...

Watch Marie’s story

Marie tells us how she made an active choice to ensure she could continue to enjoy playing sport and travelling after her heart valve replacement...

Jo’s story

Born with a bicuspid aortic valve, diagnosed when she was just six weeks old, Jo always knew that one day she might need a heart valve replacement. Thirty-four years later when that day came...

Marie’s story

Following a visit to her GP, Marie discovered she had a bicuspid aortic heart valve. When her condition worsened and she was told she needed a replacement heart valve, Marie wanted to...